Method Man Dissects His Rhyme Schemes, Reveals Early Influences + More On Grantland's Animated Series 'Story Time'
Method Man Dissects His Rhyme Schemes, Reveals Early Influences + More On Grantland's Animated Series 'Story Time'

Method Man Dissects His Rhyme Schemes, Reveals Early Influences + More On Grantland's Animated Series 'Story Time'

Method Man Dissects His Rhyme Schemes, Reveals Early Influences + More On Grantland's Animated Series 'Story Time'

It isn't too often that Shaolin's own Method Man waxes nostalgic about his early years, but when he does, you better be there. In a recent segment on Grantland's typically hilarious animated series Story Time, Mef shined some light on an early understanding of limerick and some of his earliest musical influences. As it turns out, the Jet Black Ninja wasn't so different from the rest of us, memorizing tunes from Sesame Street to put himself to sleep and taking solace in the zany blues of Chuck Berry's "My Ding-A-Ling" and the novelty funk of "Disco Duck."

I tell ya, if there were ever a root to Mef's endless showmanship and charism, the duck-walking king would certainly be it. It is but the second appearance from one of Wu's finest in just as many days, as he graced Wu-Tang Clan's latest rugged & raw drop "Ruckus In B Minor" with that raspy verbal attack on Tuesday. So it appears all is well on the Eastern front, we'll just have to wait until December 2nd to get the full treatment. Watch as Method Man takes a trip down memory lane on Story Time down below and keep it locked for all things Shaolin.