OKP Premiere : Minneapolis MC ECID Tackles The World's Hypocrisies In A Hazy Animation For "Sign Me Up"
OKP Premiere : Minneapolis MC ECID Tackles The World's Hypocrisies In A Hazy Animation For "Sign Me Up"

OKP Premiere : Minneapolis MC ECID Lists His Demands In The Animated Clip For "Sign Me Up"

OKP Premiere : Minneapolis MC ECID Tackles The World's Hypocrisies In A Hazy Animation For "Sign Me Up"

Minneapolis do-it-all ECID makes his OKP debut with a chaotic and hazy animated clip for the thunderous new single "Sign Me Up." The inaugural offering from his forthcoming Pheromone Heavy LP finds him addressing some of consumer culture's most blatant hypocrisies in a burly and aggressive tone, making a list of demands and claiming he will abstain from conformity until they are met. And while he may fancy himself a conspiracy theory or two (and an air blessing here and there,) make no mistake. This dynamic talent is as sharp as he is whimsical, demanding eyes and ears. Speaking of eyes, the animations were helmed by the mind of artist Allison Kerek, who offered her lively illustrated dreamscapes to a track that suits them perfectly. Get with the new kid on the block. Peep ECID's debut clip for "Sign Me Up" below and keep it locked for more trippy sights and sounds from the spry MPLS native. Preorder the new record Pheromone Heavy over on his site today.