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Sign A Petition To Make Captain Murphy's Animated Origin Story An Adult Swim Mainstay

Flying Lotus Confirms New Captain Murphy Material Will Be Arriving In 2016

Sign A Petition To Make Captain Murphy's Animated Origin Story An Adult Swim Mainstay

As if this year hasn't already been a massive win for Flying Lotusit appears your boy's got a few extra tricks up his sleeve for the next one. In 2015, there hasn't been much the madcap musician and producer hasn't had his hands on. He's been prominently featured on stud recordings from Kendrick Lamar and Thundercat, formed WOKE (a supergroup with the virtuoso bass man and destroyers-of-all-genre Shabazz Palaces), played in-house DJ on Hannibal BuressWhy? and teased new joints in his very own close-up in a recent Apple spot.

But what we haven't seen much of as of late, at least since his own brilliant You're Dead! LP dropped last year, is FlyLo's equally eccentric, mad-rapping alter-ego Captain Murphy.However, thanks to a little friendly Twitter fodder, we now have confirmation that new Captain Murphy is on the way from Flying Lotus in the new year. When surprise drops become the norm and make-a-meme-a-minute is the millennial modus operandi, it's hard to get excited about anything, from anyone. But in 2015, sometimes it only takes a tweet to get your ears perked up.

Alright, FlyLo, we're waiting.

Revisit the 2012 Captain Murphy project Duality to really get those earworms moving.