Justin Timberlake & Jimmy Fallon Spoof Michael McDonald + "Let The Groove Get In"
So far Justin Timberlake has managed to out-do himself with each installment of his week-long residency on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Last night Fallon and Timberlake dedicated a performance to spoofing Michael McDonald - the official voice of the Doobie Brothers and the television section at SmartTech (see: The 40 Year Old Virgin). Starting off the rousing performance of Row, Row, Row Your Boat was Fallon as Michael McDonald. Timberlake joined Fallon as the second McDonald - the pair singing the song in a round. The spotlight would soon pull back to reveal a trio of McDonalds as the real Michael McDonald anchored the song, which quickly broke into an 80s inspired r&b dance track once The Roots joined in to dump some more Doobie on it. They later joined JT and The Tennessee Kids to help perform the samba-inspired song "Let The Groove Get In" from The 20/20 Experience. If the past few days of Justin Timberlake's late night television takeover have been any indication, tonight is not to be missed. Yah Mo B There.