Method Man Is Just As Outraged By The 88-Year Embargo On 'Once Upon A Time In Shaolin' As You Are
Method Man Is Just As Outraged By The 88-Year Embargo On 'Once Upon A Time In Shaolin' As You Are

Method Man Is Just As Outraged By The 88-Year Embargo On 'Once Upon A Time In Shaolin' As You Are

Method Man Is Just As Outraged By The 88-Year Embargo On 'Once Upon A Time In Shaolin' As You Are

The Wu-Tang Clan's long-buried treasure of a piece AKA Once Upon A Time In Shaolin AKA the 1-of-1 AKA the five-million dollar album will not be coming to a store, phone or even a museum any time soon. And as devastated as I know all of you are, the one and only Method Man is just as, if not exponentially more displeased with the announcement. In a fairly off-the-cuff interview with XXL, Mef kept it 100 (as he always does) and expressed a fair amount of outrage over how the album's roll-out (or lack thereof) has been handled thus far. To be frank, there were no kind words, but anyone who's followed the trials and tribulations of Wu over the years should know and understand by now that there has and will never be any sort of unified front as to how their business dealings should be dealt with. So this isn't much of a surprise for you Shaolin disciples, just an affirmation that your ill will isn't unreasonable by any stretch of imagination. You can read the statement as it was delivered to XXL below, just be sure to stay tuned for any and all updates on this prized piece.

"I’m tired of this shit and I know everybody else is tired of it, too. Fuck that album, if that’s what they are doing. I haven’t heard anything like that, but if they’re doing crap like that, fuck that album. Straight up. I’m just keeping it 100. When music can’t be music and y’all turning it into something else, fuck that. Give it to the people, if they want to hear the shit, let them have it. Give it away free. I don’t give a fuck; that ain’t making nobody rich or poor. Give the fucking music out. Stop playing with the public, man."