Rising Literary Giant MK Asante Returns With The New Single "The Bulletin" From 'BUCK: Original Book Soundtrack' Featuring Uzi.
Rising Literary Giant MK Asante Returns With The New Single "The Bulletin" From 'BUCK: Original Book Soundtrack' Featuring Uzi.

OKP Premiere: MK Asante & Uzi - "The Bulletin"

Rising Literary Giant MK Asante Returns With The New Single "The Bulletin" From 'BUCK: Original Book Soundtrack' Featuring Uzi.

Rising literary giant and street journalist MK Asante returns with the new single "The Bulletin" from BUCK: ORIGINAL BOOK SOUNDTRACK featuring Uzi. The track is the latest from Asante since his memoir BUCK hit The Washington Post best seller list. "Heaven sent, irreverent" - Asante and his brother Uzi inhale the track, grind it down to a fine powder and spit back a seamless banger that plays with eloquence and an unapologetic grit. A proper follow-up to "Godz N The Hood" and "My Victory", the anthemic slapper produced by Faze Miyake keeps it all the way raw with a tale of pride and resilience that combines with crotch-grabbing bravado, the boom of the sub and rattle of the gun to shoot straight to the heart of the streets. Check the track below to listen to "The Bulletin." Purchase Asante's best-selling memoir BUCK via Amazon. Stay tuned for more from BUCK: ORIGINAL BOOK SOUNDTRACK.