NYPD Officer Records Supervisor Pressuring Him To Target Black Men
In August of 2012, well before Trayvon Martin or Eric Garner or Sandra Bland or Alton Sterling or Philando Castile or Freddie Gray were murdered at the hands of those sworn to protect them, NYPD transit officer, Michael Birch, had the foresight to secretly record his performance evaluation, wherein he was pressured by his supervisor, Captain Constantin Tsachas, to profile and target black men during his patrol.
You can hear the supervisor breaking down the demographics that Birch issued citations for: "two male blacks, seven Hispanics seven other, ten white, three Asian," then stressing that he only cited two black men. Birch filed suit against his department after being reprimanded for his whistle blowing against this abhorrent quota system, but had his case dismissed. Currently he's in the middle of appealing the decision, hoping to bring light to this broken and inherently racist protocol. They can try and muck up the statistics, but they'll never be able to escape this recording or the countless videos of these realized atrocities taking place. Hear Officer Michael Birch's recording down below and hope with us all that the NYPD and police departments across the country finally clean house. Period.
h/t Gawker