Spike Lee's Block Party for the 25th Anniversary of Do TheRight Thing' was Brooklyn at it's finest, Photos by Eddie Pearson
Spike Lee's Block Party for the 25th Anniversary of 'Do TheRight Thing' was Brooklyn at it's finest, Photos by Eddie Pearson

Portrait Of A Community: Spike Lee's Block Party Was Brooklyn At Its Finest [Photo Gallery + Recap]

Photos by Eddie Pearson for Okayplayer

Spike Lee's block party celebrating the 25th Anniversary of his game-changing joint Do The Right Thing went down in Brooklyn on Saturday with some of the film's best-known stars, namely: Spike himself, Chuck D of Public Enemy--and Bed-Stuy. Wesley Snipes (Mo' Betta Blues) also came out to represent at the family-style event, which took place on Stuyvesant Ave. between Lexington and Quincy AKA Do The Right Thing Way. You might even say DTRT got a little visit from its cinematic younger cousin when the 10th anniversary of Dave Chappelle's Block Party stopped by in the form of Chappelle and his recent guests Erykah Badu  and Yasiin Bey to say what's up and also say: "you changed my life." Though the presence of so many artists and genuine hood superstars gave the event the proper feeling of excitement and creative ferment, the real star of the event as in the movie was Brooklyn itself, a vibrant array of love in many different colors that could make the most cynical of New Yorkers get a little choked up with appreciation for the amazing city they live in. The vibes also underscored some positive changes that have marked the 25 years since the film was made (not that BK is not still struggling with some issues, both new and old--just ask Spike about gentrification in the hood!); a journey, if you will from 'Brooklyn's Finest' to Brooklyn at its finest. Chappelle may have said it best when he said simply: "Man, you guys look beautiful out here." See the photo gallery for above for livin' proof. For once, Chappelle was not joking around.