Torii Wolf
Alright, I get where DJ Premier was coming from comparing Torii Wolf’s sound to Bjork now. The NY vocalist made waves with her debut single (and subsequent Dilated Peoples featured remix) “1st” with legendary producer DJ Premier. The single also came with the announcement of an upcoming collabo album, Flow Riiot, from Torii and Preemo - so my expectations have been high for single #2. At the end of last week, the song was delivered and I’ve gotta say I’m impressed. Says Torii of “Shadows Crawl”:
Preem played me this beat he made for Yuna that she didn’t end up using and I instantly felt connected to it... I’ve never been a good sleeper, I sleep in tiny intervals, if at all, and when I do I talk in my sleep. It’s such a vulnerable place, to be verbally expressive and not know what could creep out of your subconscious.
Listen to “Shadows Crawl,” below, as we wait for Torii and Premier’s collabo LP, Flow Riiot.