Victoria Monet
This one took me a few plays, to be honest, but I fix with it. L.A. (via Sacramento) singer/songwriter Victoria Monét is going full force with her solo career. After penning songs for Ariana Grandeand lacing this hook for Nas, Victoria Monét is readying the release of her EP, Nightmares & Lullabies: Act II. Today, we get a listen to her latest single, “High Luv” (produced by Tommy Brown). Says Victoria of the recording process with Tommy: “Tommy Brown has all these lasers in the studio so it was really vibed out. And that’s just the idea that came to mind. Once the little reference was done, they want back and re-produced everything and added all these sounds, and drums, and little extra things that made it feel special to me.” Look for Nightmares & Lullabies: Act II to drop on June 16th.