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2 Milly is Suing Fortnight for Using the Milly Rock; does he stand a Chance?
2 Milly is Suing Fortnight for Using the Milly Rock; does he stand a Chance?
Source: Artist

Brooklyn Rapper 2 Milly is Suing 'Fortnite' for Using the "Milly Rock" in its Game

Milly Rocking in front of any judge

On Wednesday(December 5th) Brooklyn rapper 2 Milly filed a lawsuit inCalifornia district court accusingEpic Gamesofcopyright infringement.

Epic Games is the company thatdevelops Fortnite: one of the most popular video games in the market(and a game that has made overa billion dollars since its release in 2017.

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In the game, users can purchase an emote called Swipe It. 2 Milly is claiming that the emoteis the "Milly Rock," a dance 2 Milly popularized with his 2014 hit of the same name.

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Pitchfork was able to obtain some of the courtdocuments. In the documents, 2 Milly, real name Terrence Ferguson, claims that Epic Games should not be able to profit from Fergusons fame and hard work by its intentional misappropriation of Fergusons original content or likeness.

The documents say the developersalso consistently sought to exploit African-American talent in particular inFortniteby copying their dances and movements.

Back in September, Blocboy JB called out Fortnite using his "Shoot" dance.

This is somethingthat has been brewing up for months. In July, Chance The Rapper called out Fortnite in Twitter.

Source: Pitchfork

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