A New Lawsuit Makes Unlikely Allies Out Of Martin Shkreli & The Wu-Tang Clan
Photo via Forbes
I'm sure all of you by now, like myself, are fairly fed up with the misadventures of Martin Shkreli and The Wu-Tang Clan. The smirks, the back and forth shit-talking, the stranger-than-fiction reality of how this whole Once Upon A Time In Shaolin saga came together.
And while this particular writer has done his damndest to abstain from giving any shine to the Shkreli's musings (mostly due to a sneaking suspicion that I'd be playing into his real-life supervillain schemes of world domination via the obliteration of one of music's most important collective of artists) this particular story has some pretty fascinating ramifications. Back in 2014, unofficial Wu-Tang member, Cilvaringz, reached out to Long Island-based artist, Jazon Koza, with an inquiry pertaining to some brilliant portraits he'd drawn up of Wu-Tang's original nine members. Those drawings were apparently included in the sale of the infamous one-of-one album and now Koza, who saw his work in a booklet in a recent Shkreli interview with Vice, has named both RZAand Shkreli in a copyright infringement lawsuit hoping to get broken off with a chunk of that $2 million tag that Shkreli paid for the album that he has no intention of listening to.
All of which is to say that this Wu-Tang chapter needs to come to a swift and sweet end, with all accounts paid. Stay tuned for the next episode of Once Upon A Time In Shaolin.
h/t NY Daily News