Audio Premiere: Bilal "Little One" (Acoustic)

Happy Tuesday, y'all. Look what Bilal made for you. Really, though, today is Valentine's Day and "Mr. Valentine" saved his heart-tuggingest recording yet to share with his fans on today of all days. I am talking about this acoustic version of "Little One" recorded at the studios of the Tom Joyner morning show last year during a stop on the tour of the same name. Seriously, this song will turn your heart into a pin-cushion. If you have kids--or have ever thought about having kids--or have ever seen a kid, really--I defy you to listen all the way through with dry eyes. And with that, Bilal's Valentine's boot camp draws to a close. He has taught you as much as he can and the training wheels come off tonight with his Valentine's concert at SOBs. He has given you the tools and the perfect date opportunity and just in case your Valentine's budget does not include airfare to New York, Okayplayer and Livestream will even be bringing it direct to your living room in real time. All you need is a bottle of red wine and some speakers. Make it happen. And by 'it', I mean babies.