Video: Bloc Party - "Kettling"
October 05, 2012
"We smash the their cameras take pictures of us / We just laugh. We Laugh/ Because They Can't Stop This..."
So goes the opening stanza of Bloc Party's new single "Kettling," accompanied by this disturbingly watchable video of uniformed children going Lord of The Flies on each other in a UK schoolyard, playing a timehonored game called British Bulldog. The lyrics were written by BP frontman Kele Okereke in response to the civil unrest that the seemed to be globalizing beofre our eyes throughout 2011, whether it was London riots, the Arab Spring or Occupy Wall street:
“There was so much going on in the world in 2011, you couldn’t turn on the television without seeing pictures of people protesting or rioting or mass disarray. Of course those are quite frightening images. But there’s also something quite poetic about people standing up and saying they’ve had enough of something; that no, they will not take this any more. That’s what the song was really about.” - Kele Okereke
And maybe that is what it's really about. Watch below. But keep your elbows up.
spotted at HT