Coultrain as.... Seymour Liberty In 'Between'

Coming off his work with Black Spade on the outstanding Hawthorne Headhunters LP, Myriad of Now, Coultrain the solo artist made his return a few weeks ago with his single "Streams & Rivers." The track will appear on his upcoming Plug Research LP, Jungle Mumbo Jumbo. Now that we've had a preview of the sounds of the album, Coultrain gets on some visual ish with this short film, Between. This short art piece/album trailer is a summation of Coultrain's 'Seymour Liberty' story to date ( get the music here), and a preview of what's to come with the next chapter. Says Coultrain of the piece: "Dedicated to all the cats who left home to become lions, & all the 1's who got away, only to become 7 at a time."Video directed by the homie Knnth Ellbrgr for FRSH SLCTS. Jungle Mumbo Jumbo will be out April 23rd.