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The Story Of Cyntoia Brown, A Child Sex Slave Imprisoned For Killing Her Abuser, Has Resurfaced
The Story Of Cyntoia Brown, A Child Sex Slave Imprisoned For Killing Her Abuser, Has Resurfaced
Source: PBS

Kim Kardashian Calls On Her Legal Team To Help Free Cyntoia Brown

The Story Of Cyntoia Brown, A Child Sex Slave Imprisoned For Killing Her Abuser, Has Resurfaced
Source: PBS

Kim Kardashian was one of the first celebrities to speak out against the injustices Cyntoia Brown is facing once her story resurfaced last week. Now, she has reportedly gotten her own lawyer to help out on Brown's case.

READ: The Story Of Cyntoia Brown, A Child Sex Slave Imprisoned For Killing Her Abuser, Has Resurfaced

Shawn Holley, Kardashian's lawyer, has been recruited by the entrepreneur and TV personality to assist in Brown and Alice Johnson's cases. The former was imprisoned at the age of 16 for the murder of a child predator who paid her for sex, and will not eligible for parole until she serves 51 years. The latter is a 62-year-old grandmother who is 21 years into a life sentence for a first-time, nonviolent drug conviction.

"Kim asked me several weeks ago how she could help Alice Johnson in her fight for justice. We then began corresponding with Alice and her team of lawyers," Holley said to the New York Daily News. "Since then, Kim has championed the cause of Cyntoia Brown and asked me to help her get involved in that effort as well."

Kardashian had previously commented on Brown's current legal situation on Twitter, writing:

The system has failed. It's heart breaking to see a young girl sex trafficked then when she has the courage to fight back is jailed for life! We have to do better & do what's right. I've called my attorneys yesterday to see what can be done to fix this.

Charles Bone, a Nashville lawyer who took Brown's case pro bono seven years ago, said that Brown is appreciative of the support she has received recently.

"We were very, very appreciative of the fact that such an incredible number of celebrities would join our plea." Bone said. "She was thrilled by the fact that people really cared."

Tennessee residents have rallied for Brown's freedom, launching a clemency petition that is close to getting the 125,000 signatures necessary to get it delivered to Donald Trump. Until then, Brown remains in jail. She received an Associates Degree from Lipscomb University and is now working on her Bachelors Degree while working side by side with the courts and the Juvenile Justice system as an unpaid consultant.

Source: nydailynews.com

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