Video: dead prez Speak on NaS Ghostwriting Controversy

We haven't really touched on this whole swirling mess of speak about Nas allegedly employing ghostwriters on his Untitled LP, and I'll be totally honest about why: with so many Okayplayer-rated personalities--Nas, dream hampton, Jay Electronica and dead prez--tied to the controversy, its seems sort of inevitable that somebody we respect would end up feeling disrespected, especially since the whole thing has played out in such a sideways fashion, with offhand tweets, phone calls and hurt feelings being addressed as if they were court documents in some sort of trial. Which is why it's sort of gratifying--as unfruitful as a lot of this whole convo has been--to have somebody ask a straightforward question and receive a straightforward answer. The asker is Sway and the answerer is, during this dead prez appearance on Sway's Shade 45 Morning Show. Watch below for some clarity--and on a more positive note, grab a chunk of dead prez's classic "Bigger Than Hip-Hop" after the jump.
spotted at NR