Watch DJ Premier Rehearse With His New Live Band
For those that don't know, DJ Premier debuted his brand new live band for the good folks in Japan last week. And while we don't know what the full set was like, we do know the players (some better than others.) In a short clip from their rehearsal footage, Preemo plays maestro while NYC bass-man and producer on the come-up Brady Watthandles the low end, Lenny "The Ox" Reece takes on drum duty, and the Takuya Kuroda/Corey King horn and key duo double down on both. You'll probably catch a few notes from your favorite joints, but it's really just a teaser for a show that we've all been dreaming about. Peep the footage below and if you've got any ideas as to what you'd like the ensemble to go by, hit Preemo direct at @REALDJPREMIER. US tour dates to come, so be sure to keep it locked.