Watch Donald Trump Be Donald Trump On The Tonight Show
September 12, 2015
Donald Trump. The Donald. The Tonight Show. The Ratings. The Fallon. The Sketch. The Interview. The Impression. The Irony. The Issues. The Questions. The Answers. The Hair. The Skin Cream. The Big Picture. The GOP. The Portraits. The Hashtags. The Electoral College. The Light Bulbs. The Jokes. The Smiles. The Laughs. The Press. The Campaign. The Votes. The Catering. The Donald. The Politics. The White House. The Obama. The Economy. The Apprentice. The Border. The Donald. The Nodding. The Confidence. The Americanacity. The Unitedness. The Liberty. The 9/11. The Presidentialisciousness. The Donald. The Donald. Yooge.