Elbee Thrie of Phony Ppl - 53,000 Mixtape
Elbee Thrie of Phony Pplhas dropped us an excellent solo mixtape, 53,000. The set flows between laid back joints and golden-era sounding hip hop party jams as Elbee goes back and forth between rhyming and singing. Some tracks feature some of the most soulful beats of Phony Ppl's career. On the production side, contributions from members of the collective lend themselves to make a stew of r&b, psychedelic, and many other influences sound right at home in the mix. "El. Balance. Dva." is a headbanger and the previously released "Nice To Meet Me" fits right in with the rest of the tracks. No offense Chance, but Acid Rap is going to have to slide over for a minute. This has to be one of the most unique mixtapes of 2013. Be sure to stream Elbee Thrie's 53,000 mixtape below.
Shouts to SB