Erykah Badu Speaks On Cannibanoids - 'The Beat Tape Vol. 2' [Mix + Interview]

The psychedelia-meets-hip hop-meets-soul 9-piece experimental outfit creatively birthed by Erykah Badu and known collectively as The Cannibanoids released an exclusive mix for Beatport, which fittingly dropped on 4/20. The group, which boasts 8 laptops, 6 keyboards, and 4 drum machines - are perhaps as innovative as they are defiant of all attempts to be succinctly labeled. In conjunction with the mix release, the folks at Beatport interviewed the crew to talk about the science of addiction and how it pertains to their music, among other things, and the results are expectantly trippy:
The concept behind the Cannabinoids is that it is a musical representation of the science of addiction. Can you elaborate on what that concept means to each of you?Erykah Badu: How it feels to love something and want something insatiably. That’s how we want to feel about it—not necessarily about the music, but about creating it, and performing it. That was the spark, the idea.
Jah Born: In terms of the science of addiction… the collaboration itself, what we’re doing is addicting. It’s a great feeling, we love doing it. And the sound that we produce, and the music that we kick out, it draws people in. That’s how I understand the science of addiction in this project.
'The Beat Tape Vol. 2' is the result of a live jam session that took place a little while back in Badu's native state of Texas, and showcases the groups ability to reject convention in the name of exploring new musical spaces. To read the rest of the interview, head to Beatport - and click the link below to download the full mix via our kinfolk at Okayfuture.
>>>The Cannibanoids 'The Beat Tape Vol. 2' via Okayfuture
This week, Erykah will be involved in a series of sold-out events including a lecture and DJ set as a part of Red Bull Music Academy, but if you're unfortunate enough to have missed out on tickets, stay tuned for video of both to come later.