Flying Lotus, Thundercat Talk 'Magic: The Gathering' On Hannibal Buress' 'Handsome Rambler'

Imagine a scenario in which you can be a fly on the wall and listen in on a conversation with Flying Lotus, Thundercat,and Hannibal Buress. kind of can. Earlier today comedian Hannibal Buress premiered the latest episode of his podcast, Handsome Rambler. This one featured a two-hour interview with Flying Lotus and Thundercat. It's a pretty expansive, free-forming conversation where the parties talk about making the bugged out movie Kuso(which Buress had a role in ); the making of Thundercat's excellent new album Drunk; turning down a chance to work with Justin Bieber; and more random, obscure things, like playing the geeky card game Magic: the Gathering.
This is only the 12th episode of Hannibal Buress' podcast but the show already seems like it's a must-listen. He's already had episodes with people like Chance The Rapper and Saba under his belt.
Sit back and listen to his conversation with Flying Lotus and Thundercat.