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Frank Ocean Reveals the "Life Hack" Behind His Skincare Routine in New GQ Interview
Frank Ocean Reveals the "Life Hack" Behind His Skincare Routine in New GQ Interview

Frank Ocean Reveals the "Life Hack" Behind His Skincare Routine in New GQ Interview

Frank Ocean is creeping his way back into the spotlight.

Frank Oceanis the latest star to appear on the cover of GQ. The elusive star conducted an interview withEmmett Cruddas and Vegyn, the co-hosts of his Blonded Radio show on Apple Music.

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They didn't talk a lot about upcoming music. But Frank did reveal the making of "Moon River," a loosie he dropped last year:

Someone asked me to sing it, and that was the only reason I listened to it. People ask me to do a lot of things I don't do [laughs], but when I listened to it, it was something that I wanted to do because I thought the song was small and beautiful and neat. It's the ocean in the drop idea, all these feelings inside this small thing. Living with it, listening to the many versions, thinking about who I would work on it with and what I would go for in interpreting it. Of the covers I've done, At Your Best and Moon River are my favorites.

Since this is GQ, a lot of the interview was focusedaround his fashion, and things that he's into. One of the interestingdetails Frank Ocean revealed is his skincare routine, which doesn't seem that complicated. Frank centered the routine around one item:

...I really do believe in a night cream. I feel like men just go to sleep. They may wash their face or they don't even bother they go to sleep with the day face on. You really need to do a gentle wash and put a night moisturizer on. You can't have the retinol in your creams in the day because it makes you more sun-sensitive, so you wanna throw that on at night. I need the night cream because when I wake up I feel very beautiful, moisturized and ready to have people making eye contact with me, ready to look above my eyebrow, below the eyebrow. [laughs] That's the life hack right there. It's been all these years, and Pharrell still hasn't given us the keys yet. He just says exfoliate, but it's not just exfoliate: We need more keys.

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In the interview, Frank Ocean also talks about politics, some of his vices, and why he decided to make his Instagram public. Check it out here.

Source: GQ

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