Hilary Rosen Issues MLK Jr. Debate Apology, Releases A Follow-Up Apology For "Angry Black Women" Remark
Hilary Rosen Issues MLK Jr. Debate Apology, Releases A Follow-Up Apology For "Angry Black Women" Remark
Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Lafayette 148 New York

Hilary Rosen Issues MLK Jr. Debate Apology, Releases A Follow-Up Apology For "Angry Black Women" Remark

Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Lafayette 148 New York

Hilary Rosen is already facing backlash for her apology, which includes her telling her supporters "[Please] no need to defend me and attack angry Black women."

Hilary Rosen has issued an apology after facing backlash over a debate with Nina Turner on Martin Luther King Jr.'s commentary on white moderates.

During an appearance on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time Thursday night, Rosen, a Democratic strategist, and Turner, Bernie Sanders' campaign co-chair, discussed the voting records of Joe Biden and Sanders. While speaking on the topic, Rosen said, "Nina referenced Dr. Martin Luther King before, saying that he said from the Birmingham jail that we should be concerned about white moderates. That's actually not what Martin Luther King said."

"He did say that...Are you kidding me?" Turner said as Rosen continued speaking.

"What he said was we should worry about the silence of white moderates," Rosen said. "And what we have in Joe Biden is a man who is not silent."

"He has a long record, and many votes that in today's world feel like the wrong thing, were the wrong thing, and he has discussed that over and over again," Rosen added. "As Bernie Sanders did on the gun votes and other things."

Turner then responded to Rosen's claim on what MLK meant.

"What Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was talking about, he said it is the point that the white moderate wants things to be comfortable," Turner said. "And instead of focusing in on the bigger threat, it's not necessarily the white KKK member, but more the white moderate that is more comfortable with keeping things the same and pretending like there is no tension."

"Don't use Martin Luther King against Joe Biden," Rosen replied. "You don't have that stand."

"Don't tell what kind of stand I have as a black woman in America. How dare you," Turner responded. "Don't dip into what I have to say about the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How dare you, as a white woman, sit up here and try and tell me what I'm supposed to feel and what I'm doing right now."

Since then, Rosen has issued an apology, saying she was "wrong" and telling her supporters "no need to defend me and attack angry Black women." The latter remark has resulted in backlash against Rosen, with the words "angry Black women" becoming a trending topic on Twitter.

Rosen has also released an apology for her "angry Black women" comment, and has also deleted her initial apology.

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