
Jazzyfatnastees "Keep It Movin" With Brand New Music

The Jazzyfatnastees break their silence after an 11-year hiatus to deliver "Keep It Movin" - a joint driven by their signature harmonies and an infectiously bright hook. Their anthem of resilience arrives with little fanfare except the collective sigh of relief from Jazzies fans who have been waiting to see the pair rise from the ruins of the neo-soul boom to reclaim their place as a powerhouse tag team of vocal force. "Keep It Movin" is the first track from the Jazzyfatnastees since the release of their 2002 LP The Tortoise & the Hare. The seamless single finds its stride in the playful tone and vocal synchronicity from the Black Lily founders and plays with a freshness that will make you forget they ever left. Check the Jazzyfatnastees new single "Keep It Movin" below. Stay tuned for more.

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