Khary Makes His Presence Felt On His Latest Track "Find Me"
March 03, 2016
Well it looks like Khary’s new project Inern Aquarium is nearly done at this point. In celebration of his long awaited project nearing completion, the Rhode Island emcee drops yet another single (and quite possibly the best yet), “Find Me.” The Lege Kale produced cut was is for “anyone who isn’t looking for me now” says Khary. To go further on the song’s meaning the burgeoning emcee had this to say:
The song is about trusting yourself. Having the confidence to trot down your own path without caring what other people are doing or even knowing what’s on the other side. I used to wait for others to validate me and that mentality held me hostage at square one. I had to validate myself.
A very strong message all should take heed to. Check out Khary’s latest below, and be on the lookout for Intern Aquarium coming soon.
H/T: P & P