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LargeUp Exclusive: Major Lazer x LargeUp Sessions + Win A Signed Copy Of 'Free The Universe'

Lenny Kravitz, Grace Jones, Lauryn Hill, Lion Babe, Thundercat, SZA & More Rock The Afropunk Festival 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.

Following their groundbreaking late night debut on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Major Lazer and friends took the post-show party down to Miss Lily's for the Major Lazer Free The Universe pop-up shop. The occasion found Jillionaire teaming with DJ Gravy for The LargeUp Sessions - an eclectic mix of soca, dancehall and EDM that packed a crowd inside the venue. Diplo and fellow Lazer Walshy Fire arrive just in time to help them tear the roof off. Scroll down to hop on over to LargeUp and take a listen. And if you cannot wait to get your hands on the new Major Lazer, you're in luck. LargeUp is having a giveaway. Check what they had to say about it:

For those of you just itching to free the universe yourselves, we’ve got a pair of CDs autographed by Diplo and lieutenants Jillionaire and Walshy Fire to give away. To win, head over to Twitter and tweet this link, bit.ly/ZwazXV, with the hashtag #largeupmajorlazer. The two people with the most creative tweets (before noon Eastern US time on Wednesday, April 16) will receive the CDs. You must follow @Largeupdotcom to be eligible; winners will be contacted by direct message on Wednesday.

>>>Listen to Major Lazer x LargeUp Sessions Here

>>>Cop Major Lazer - Free The Universe (via iTunes)

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