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Hear Pyramid Vritra's Twisted and Turbulent New Album 'HAL'Hear Pyramid Vritra's Twisted and Turbulent New Album 'HAL'
Hear Pyramid Vritra's Twisted and Turbulent New Album 'HAL'
Source: Bandcamp

Hear Pyramid Vritra's Twisted and Turbulent New Album 'HAL'

The Long Beach dynamo shares his second project of 2017

It's been an eventful few weeks in the life forPyramid Vritra,a do-it-all on a prolific five-year streak.

READ:Matt Martians Announces New Jet Age of Tomorrow Project with Pyramid Vritra

Since his 2012 debut album,Pyramid,the Long Beach native rapper and producer has shared a torrent of projects, both long-form solo ventures and collaborative extended plays, that straddle the line between avant-rap and deeply-conceptual sound experiments. Just a few weeks back, Vritra and Matt Martians rekindled their Odd Future production team moniker, Jet Age of Tomorrow, for the back-by-popular-demand,God's Poop or Clouds?.

Today, as a quick follow-up, Vritra has shared the new album, HAL, which shares its name with the sentientonboard computing system of Stanley Kubrick's iconic2001: A SpaceOddysey. It's his first solo project since last year'sYellowing LP.

HEAR:Jet Age of Tomorrow's New Album God's Poop or Clouds? ft. Syd, Steve Lacy and More

Hear Pyramid Vritra'sHAL below and grab your copy of the album via Bandcamp.


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