Raekwon Lets Us Into "The Living Room"
Raekwon Lets Us Into "The Living Room"

Raekwon Chops It Up In "The Living Room"

Raekwon lets loose some boom-bap flame with "The Living Room."  The Chef rocks supreme over a barrage of ill soul-sample chops ; first rocking over an Aretha cut, then quickly jumping to a more worked mid-section and then just letting Dionne Warwick's iconic Burt Bacharach written ballad "Walk On By" cap off the impressive lyrical procession. Its no doubt a one-off, but with so much in the works over in the realm of Wu--not to mention some ill recent collaborations-- we've got plenty to look forward to from Rae & Co. So go ahead and rock with the latest from The Chef and watch out for some more verbal bombs soon.

spotted at NahRight

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