Introducing Respiration, Okayplayer’s Monthly Wellness Wednesday Playlist
Check out this playlist of Okayplayer's staff picks for relaxing music to easy the mind.
Due to global warming, potential allergies and, hey, the world basically being on fire, breathing easy isn’t exactly easy. You could argue that it’s rarely been harder. There are people to love and bad memories to forget — bills to pay and dreams to keep alive. It’s a lot, but we’re here to help. One way to do so is with Respiration, Okayplayer’s new staff playlist designed to help you sit down, unwind and simply kick it. Each month, our staff will update the playlist with the tracks we’ve been listening to to cool out lately. So here it is. Take those shoes off and, while you’re at it, put those worries down, too. Deactivate, and just as the generic self-help advice has always told you to do, decompress. Get lost in the music and find yourself.