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Schoolboy Q vs. Nardwuar [Interview]

Lenny Kravitz, Grace Jones, Lauryn Hill, Lion Babe, Thundercat, SZA & More Rock The Afropunk Festival 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.

The wildly well-read human serviette aka Nardwuar takes his show on the road to interview the unanimous resurrector of gangster rap's  G'ed out tradition Schoolboy Q. Nardwuar begins the account by dousing Q with gifts like the Blood/Crip collab cut "Bangin' On Wax," an OG copy of The Chromatics "Cherry" from an Italian compilation LP --that was sampled on his smash "Man Of The Year"-- and a copy of Cheech & Chong's early cut "Big Bambu", complete with 12-inch rolling papers, which Nardy is sure Q will put to good use.

Topics discussed include Q's football days, his first musical lessons, getting his rat-tail snipped while he was sleeping as a child, sleeping with old professors out of sheer spite, the many reasons why your should stay away from Fishland if you're in LA and what it was about Q's long-awaited  Oxymoron LP that propelled it to the top of the Billboard charts. It was a truly jovial side to the TDE titan, capped and commemorated by rolling up one of those foot-long 40-year-old papers. You can catch Schoolboy Q mixing it up with the Human Serviette below, but be sure to cop his astral major label debut Oxymoron via iTunes.

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