Solange and Moses Sumney Sing About Weed Over Nina Simone's “Where Can I Go Without You”
Photo of Solange + Moses Sumney courtesy of Instagram.
Photo courtesy of Instagram.
Watch Solange + Moses Sumney Sing A Weed-Inspired Cover Of A Nina Simone Classic
April 15, 2017
We might need an officialversion of this.
Last night, Solange posted an epic Instagram video withMoses Sumney. The two were coveringNina Simonesclassic, Where Can I Go Without You, in their own kind of way.
Instead of singing a song about travelingthe world trying to shake a lover which is what Simone's classic record is about Solange and Moses sang about smoking weed.
Or, well whether or not Moses is a "smoker".
Now, we don't want to make any assumptions here... but if we had to guess a good amount of ganja was in the air for this performance.
This is a pretty hypnoticand hilariouslittle improv clip. Check it out below.