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Wu-Tang Clan swarm the L.A. forum - photos by Maxwell Benson
Wu-Tang Clan swarm the L.A. forum - photos by Maxwell Benson

Staten Island Recognizes November 9th as 'Wu-Tang Clan Day'

The hip-hop pioneers receive honor from their hometown

Staten Island has declared November 9th as "Wu-Tang Clan Day."  RZA revealed the news last night (Nov. 8th) during a New York screening of the documentaryFor The Children: 25 Years of Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers).

The Wu-Tang Clan celebrated the 25th anniversary of their debut album, Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), with the release of their documentary. They also performed "Protect Ya Neck" on Good Morning America.

READ:The Entire Wu-Tang Clan To Perform Special Shows In Australia

RZA talked about the 25-year impact of their iconic debut and about being honored by their hometown, referred to by the group as Shaolin.

We at 25 years, we know we have arrived at our destination. We’re grateful for everyone that’s been a part of this...When we said 36 Chambers, the word chamber was giving everybody an idea that you will go through different chambers in your life. It’s many things that you have to pass through in order to master yourself.

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