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Photo Credit: NardwuarServiette (YouTube)

Steve Lacy & Nardwuar Talk "Bad Habit," Parliament & More

While visiting Neptoon Records in Vancouver, recent Grammy-winner Steve Lacy spoke to Nardwuar the sped-up version of "Bad Habit" and more.

Grammy-winnerSteve Lacy went to Vancouver to chat with Nardwuar the Human Serviette. While visiting Neptoon Records, the 24-year-old artist spoke about being in The Internet, the sped-up version of his No. 1 hit "Bad Habit," and joked about tossing fan's cameras while onstage.

Throughout the 17-minute interview, Nardwuar extended multiple gifts – including R. Stevie Moore, Sa-Ra and Parliament albums – to Lacy, who won in the Best Progressive R&B Album category at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards earlier this month.

At one point, Nardwuar referenced Lacy's high school long jump record. "It was cool, it wasn't my calling, but I had fun. It gave me the body that I have today," the artist joked.

For Nardwuar's last gift, Lacy received a vinyl copy of 1990 Tony! Toni! Toné! single, "The Blues."

"I grew up hearing the Tonys, but I'm a big fan of Raphael [Saddiq], the Gemini Rights artist said. "He's like one of my mentors, kind of, he's awesome."

Lacy explained that he met Saddiq early in his career in the parking lot of Los Angeles music venue, The Echo, with former Internet member, Jameel Bruner. While both played music in their car, Saddiq said "Yo, that's jammin!" to the two, eventually interacting with them both since the Jimmy Lee artist knew Bruner since he was a child.

When asked about the sped-up version of "Bad Habit" on TikTok, grimaced at the thought, joking that he'd do a sped-up version of a future song if he's No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Watch the full interview below.

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