Audio: Watercolor Werewolf (Scoop DeVille x Michael Sterling Eaton) "Predator"

This dude Scoop DeVille really can't miss these days when it comes to production, so I'm more than willing to give anything he puts out a chance. Today, he takes things far left in the creation of this new duo, Watercolor Werewolf, the collaboration of Scoop and multi-media artist/producer/creative director Michael Sterling Eaton. The group is described as an ode to 80's art school rock. "Much like watercolor blends colors, Watercolor Werewolf genres. We allow the process to happen organically. Nothing in this is predetermined, everything is off the top. So, the werewolf represents the primal side in all of us. This is our attempt to get back to the raw emotions, the simple methods of being artists - before commerce, above corporate bottom lines. Watercolor Werewolf is taking back artist freedom, giving expression back to the animal." Says Eaton. Their project was recorded at Neonstalgia Studio deep in Souther California. "Almost 100% of our music was done in one take, not just with the vocals but the entire song." says Deville. "Allowing the raw essence of our collaboration to shine through." Enough with the words though, check their single "Predator," below. I don't expect everyone to love this, but give it a few listens it may grow on you as it did for me. Look for their debut LP, Monster Mash, to drop this quarter.
[audio:|titles=Watercolor Werewolf (Scoop DeVille x Michael Sterling Eaton) "Predator"]