Woman Licks Ice Cream Before Putting It Back In Store Freezer In Viral Video
The video has outraged many on social media.
Some pranks should never be done. Such is the case with a recent viral video, in which a woman can be seen opening a tub of Blue Bell Tin Roof ice cream, licking it, and putting it back in the freezer.
"Lick it, lick it," the person presumably recording the video says as the girl licks the ice cream and puts it back in the freezer. It's unknown who recorded the video or who the woman is in it, as well as what grocery store the prank took place at. But that hasn't stopped Blue Bell from investigating the incident.
"We want to thank our consumers for alerting us to the incident this past weekend of a video posted to social media showing a Blue Bell item being tampered with. We take this issue very seriously and are currently working with law enforcement, retail partners and social media platforms. This type of incident will not be tolerated," the ice cream company wrote in a statement on its website.
"Food safety is a top priority, and we work hard to provide a safe product and maintain the highest level of confidence from our consumers."
"During production, our half gallons are flipped upside down and sent to a hardening room where the ice cream freezes to the lid creating a natural seal. The lids are frozen tightly to the carton. Any attempt at opening the product should be noticeable," the statement went on. "We will continue to monitor this situation."
The video has outraged many on social media.
However, the video has seemed to inspire others to participate on the prank too.