Xuice Hades
Xuice Hades - AV8 [Mixtape]
November 23, 2013
My hometown's puttin' on today. Another member of FHOD has something for your ear drums on this rainy Friday. Fly High or Die general, Xuice Hades (fka Illecism), comes through with a brand new tape today, AV8. It's been about 9 months since the last project from Xuice, but with 8 new tracks he shows why he's one of the nicest out of the Sac in the game. Production comes from Tynethys, Cyan P, Osaze Algbe, Whoarei, and DonGoldman. The lone feature also comes from Tynethys. Check the project below. Plenty of bangers, my personal favorites would be "Druggz" "Maithuna," and "Got 'Em Coach." Xuice is just warming up with this one, just wait 'til y'all hear the songs dude's been storing in the vault.