Ab soul huey knew feat dash 680x680
Ab-Soul, oh, how I have missed thee. Tonight (hopefully ahead of a new album) we get a new track from Soulo called "Huey Knew." The track features Da$h and was produced by Willie B. Ab-Soul comes through with some tight bars kicking his usual lyrical gymnastics. A few months back we all got word from Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith via an Instagram post that Ab-Soul's album was finished. "Just got the @souloho3 final mixes in !!!!!! I like that ( Khaled voice) .... Release date coming soon... I'm about 2 Kall @justsza ....#TDE," he wrote. And if that weren't enough, keep ya ears peeled for a supposed TDE tour that is supposedly in the works. Perhaps after the drop of Ab-Soul's project? Ab-Soul's last project was 2014’s These Days. It didn't do so hot. Before that, back in 2012, the Black Lip Bastard dropped 2012's excellent Control System.
Listen to Ab-Soul featuring Da$h in the new track "Huey Knew" below, make sure to keep your fingers crossed, and be on the lookout for any new information regarding a possible album release date.
H/T: HipHopnMore