Killa Cash Cover Rochelle
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening from the land of mix. This week's Mixtape Monday compilation simmers with the underground sounds of Rochelle Jordan and the practiced precision of Okayplayer mainstay LeFtO. But looker a little deeper--Aussie downtempo/electro aesthete Dorian Concept turned out a grade-A Boiler Room set in Vienna, and luckily the evidence has been preserved. What's more, we've got newcomer Sofie Fatouretchi's set of back alley beats and a new grip of tracks compiled by Samuel Burgess-Johnson. Rise and shine mixtape clan, wipe the glaze off your eyes. Your next week of steady head nodding starts right now.
The good man LeFtO has done it again and brought a mix that captivates with both new and age-old favorites. Diggs Duke sits comfortably alongside Sun Ra, and a brand new Four Tet remix of John Beltran is the cherry on top of it all. LeFtO's supply of great tracks and bold mixing ideas seems endless, and you'll always find us lined up for what he's working on next. You can download this set for your on-the-go enjoyment right here.
phil upchurch - you got style
paul white - running on a rainy day
the 1978'ers - a people's intro
diamond district - the back up
ivan ave - find me
flying lotus - never catch me ft. kendrick lamar
diggs duke - covered in cloth
ravi shankar & george harrison - lust
sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra - somebody else's world
horace silver trio - nothing but the soul
monkey robot - b(eau)
tokimonsta - the beginning
gaslamp killer - GLK Theme Music
fatima - ridin round (sky high)
LTGL - synchronized, not talking
Tweet - turn da lights off
raury - woodcrest manor
mala - i wait pt II
100& pure poison - puppet on a chain
trian kayhatu - suture
aquarian dream - yesterday
nehruvian doom - mean the most
selda bagçan - saka maka
howie lee - kai
run the jewels - oh my darling don't cry
djemba djemba - macking in the car
SBTRKT - decemberist
machinedrum - only 1 way 2 know
anushka - atom bombs (namebrandsound remix)
marcus alan ward - king carnivore
famks - labirinto
jackson 5 - dancing machine (kon edit)
reginald omas mamode IVth - get down with
francis bebey - bissau
jungle - the heat (joy orbison remix)
airhead - macondo
john beltran - faux (four tet remix)
40 minutes of deftly-spun electro and hip-hop brilliance is what we all got when Australian producer/musician Dorian Concept took to the Boiler Room decks over in Vienna last week. Fans of Jamie XX and Ta-ku take special notice: the Oz kid makes a point to play live over almost every second of his set. Is this even a mix? Where do DJing and live performance meet and dissolve into one another? We suggest you press play and figure that out for yourselves.
Rochelle Jordan is apparently sitting on a collection of b-sides and rare remixes, and that collection saw a bit of daylight last week thanks to Kitty Cash. Synth basslines circle like subterranean helicopters and through it all Ro Jo's voice keeps things highly heavenly. If this is how great her b-side joints sound, we can't wait to know what's headed for upcoming full release.