Discogs Expand Marketplace, Now Selling Books, Comics, Films and Posters
The world's largest online vinyl marketplace is now a one-stop for all your nostalgic needs
In a move that we all should have seen coming, Discogs, an online platform with more than five million records for sale (amongst other formats,) has expanded its marketplace to include books, comics, films and even posters.
READ: Vinyl Sales Went Up Impressive 26% In 2016
According to Pitchfork, the web-based vinyl bazaar has opened four new channels, adding adjacent marketplaces for the visual mediums. Yesterday, they officially launched Bookogs, Comicogs, Filmogs and Posterogs. And while they don't bear the same catchy tag-all as their predecessor, the added (and fairly logical) expansions aim to have nine million releases listed by the end of the month. Are they immediate contenders for rivals like Amazon, Wolfgang's Vault and, I don't know, eBay? Not yet. But if you're scorching the web to find that one piece at a reasonable price, you owe yourself a few moments on a promising and competitive store.
If you're in the vendor's circle, each site is currently forgoing listing and seller's fees to thicken their selection. Good time to give your collectibles a second or third look-over.