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Run The Jewels performs at Day 3 of the Panorama Music Festival on Sunday, July 24, 2016 | Photos by Vickey Ford/Sneakshot for Okayplayer.
Run The Jewels performs at Day 3 of the Panorama Music Festival on Sunday, July 24, 2016 | Photos by Vickey Ford/Sneakshot for Okayplayer.
Photo Credit: Vickey Ford for Okayplayer

Killer Mike Wants To Run For Public Office Once He Stops Rapping

Run The Jewels performs at Day 3 of the Panorama Music Festival on Sunday, July 24, 2016 | Photos by Vickey Ford/Sneakshot for Okayplayer. Photo Credit: Vickey Ford for Okayplayer

Killer Mike already has a plan in mind for when he stops rapping.

READ: Killer Mike Given His Own Day In Atlanta

The Run The Jewels rapper said that he is going to run for school board once he is done with his career as a rapper. The announcement came during a Twitter discussion about Killer Mike confronting harassers at his shows (in response to a recent viral video of Drake calling out a harasser at one of his shows).

"Killer Mike you ever think about running for office? ATL would've honored to have you serve," one fan tweeted.

"When I'm done rapping I'm Gonna run for school board," Killer Mike responded.

Although it is unknown when the rapper's school board campaign will begin, Killer Mike is no stranger to politics.  In 2015, the rapper considered a write-in bid for the Georgia state house and was an avid supporter of Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election.

Killer Mike is very well known throughout Atlanta, with the artist even having his own day in the city. July 17 is now known as "Killer Mike Day" in ATL after being announced as such earlier this year.

"I respect you in so many ways," Atlanta City Councilman Andre Dickens previously said. "You represent the ATL well."