Louis C.K. Receives Standing Ovation During First Stand-Up Set Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal
Louis C.K. Receives Standing Ovation During First Stand-Up Set Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal
Source: YouTube

Louis C.K. Receives Standing Ovation During First Stand-Up Set Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal

Louis C.K. Receives Standing Ovation During First Stand-Up Set Since Sexual Misconduct Scandal Source: YouTube

Louis C.K. made a surprise appearance on Sunday at a New York City comedy club where he did his first stand-up set since admitting to sexual misconduct nine months ago.

C.K. was at the Comedy Cellar to do a surprise 15-minute set of "typical Louis C.K." stuff that included jokes about racism, waitresses tips, and parades, according to a report from the New York Times.

READ: "These Stories Are True": Louis C.K. Admits To Sexual Misconduct In Official Statement

"It sounded just like he was trying to work out some new material," Noam Dworman, the owner of the Comedy Cellar, told the Times, "almost like any time of the last 10 years he would come in at the beginning of a new act."

Dworman said that C.K. even received a standing-ovation from the audience, which was an estimated 115 people. However, Dworman did receive some complaints from people in attendance. One audience member called the Comedy Cellar the day after the performance to complain about not receiving a notice ahead of time for C.K.'s performance, allowing him to decide to attend or not.

Dworman added that he didn't expect Louis C.K. to perform again so soon while also saying that "there can't be a permanent life sentence on someone who does something wrong."

"I didn't think it was going to happen as soon as it did," he said. "I had thought that the first time he'd go on would be in a more controlled environment. But he decided to just rip the Band-Aid off."

In related news, several months ago Aziz Ansari also made his return to stand-up for the first time since facing sexual misconduct allegations.

Ansari performed several surprise drop-in sets at the Comedy Cellar in New York City and his set included jokes about millennials, Starbucks, and racism.

Source: The New York Times