DC Comics Preps New Joker Origin Film
DC Comics Preps New Joker Origin Film
Source: IMDb

Martin Scorsese is Working on a Joker Origin Story Movie

DC Comics Preps New Joker Origin Film Source: IMDb

Around this time last year, DC released Suicide Squad, a movie that featured a re-imagination of the iconic Joker character.

The response to that movie and the Joker in the film, who was played by Jared Leto, was mixed, to say the least.

READ:Suicide Squad Director's Regrets: Not Enough Of Joker

DC isn't giving up on the Joker character, however. According to Deadline, Warner Bros and DC are working on standalone Joker movie. More specifically, the movie will be an origin story.

The names attached to the movie are very interesting: Todd Phillips, who directed The Hangover, is set to shoot and co-write the film with Scott Silver, who wrote 8 Mile and The Fighter.  

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The name that is making the really big splash, however, is Martin Scorsese. The legendary director will be a producer on the film. which sounds appealing when you consider, according to Deadline, the intention is to make a gritty crime movie which will take place in the '80s.

This movie will be the first film under a new Warner Bros banner which will expand on the DC universe.
