Nicki Minaj and Funk Flex Hash Out Their Differences in 80-Minute Interview
Nicki Minaj and Funk Flex Hash Out Their Differences in 80-Minute Interview
Source: Hot 97

Today's Twitter War Capsulized How Messy Nicki Minaj's 'Queen' Rollout Has Been

Nicki Minaj and Funk Flex Hash Out Their Differences in 80-Minute Interview Source: Hot 97

A lot is going on with Nicki Minaj

A couple of days after releasing her latest album Queen, Nicki Minaj appeared on the Funkmaster Flex Show on Hot 97. Nicki and Flex had been beefing for years. But the two were able to squash their differences and conduct a massive 80 minute interview.

READ: Nicki Minaj Takes Shots and Shoots Shots At Nearly Every Rapper in the Game on "Barbie Dreams"

The interview is a trip. In it she publicly buries the hatchet with Flex. The legendary DJ says he criticized her in the past because he felt like some of her music had gotten "lazy" and Nicki responded by saying:

I'm never mad when people give me constructive criticism. ... I accept things like that. I have an issue when the criticism seems like it's personal or from a bad place and since I know so many things that are going on behind the scenes that other people don't know. I know there's a lot of people getting paid to voice those opinions.

Nicki Minaj not minding constructive criticism is an interesting statement. During one point in the interview, Nicki was asked about a negative Forbes feature and the time she DM'd a writer on Twitter. Nicki called the Forbes writer a "lonely weak loser." She also denied ever DM'ing the writer. 

Nicki also spent a good amount of time talking about her ex-boyfriend Safaree. She gave probably the most in-depth interview about her ex (who she broke up with in 2014). In it, she revealed that Safaree would pay for prostitutes with her credit card.

This lead to what happened on Twitter on Tuesday, August 14th. Safaree went to Twitter and started responding to these accusations.

The most shocking moment came when Safaree accused Nicki of stabbing him:

And then, soon after, Nick responded, and even found time to throw Tyga under the bus:

Safaree responded again, and also threw Tyga under the bus in the process:

He then also plugged his new single "She Got It:"

Tyga even had some fun with all of this, making light of the fact that he got plugs:

It has been a interesting rollout for Nicki Minaj, to say the least. One full of controversy and pushbacks.

Her album Queen was released and got decent reviews. But early estimates have the album selling 145,000 copies in its first week.

That would be Nicki's lowest first week of her career.