Scott Heins Jay Electronica CMJ 2-1
Jay Electronica performs at the Santos Party House CMJ takeover -- Photo by Scott Heins
Photo Credit: Scott Heins

Jay Electronica Comes at Eminem for Saying Diddy Killed Tupac: "You Best Tread Carefully"

Scott Heins Jay Electronica CMJ 2-1 Photo Credit: Scott Heins

Jay Electronica makes his annual appearance

On Friday, September 14th Eminem dropped "Killshot," a savage diss directed towards MGK.

There was one person who was not a fan of the song: mysterious rapper Jay Electronica.

HEAR:Eminem Fires Back at Machine Gun Kelly on "Killshot"

Jay directed some tweets towards Eminem. Jay's beef? He didn't like the fact that Em had a line about Diddy killing Tupac on the track. The specific line Em spits is: "The day you put out a hit is the day Diddy admits he put out the hit that got Pac killed."

READ: Eternal Sunshine: The 10-Year Anniversary of Jay Electronica’s Act 1

Now, maybe Jay didn't listen to the whole track, but at the end of the song Eminem says the Diddy line was a joke. But, whatever. This is where at now. We just have to accept it.

Jay also sent en Em a video of Farrakhan sitting down with Ja Rule, writing "remember this was the very video I had to check you on..."