Watch Will Smith And DJ Jazzy Jeff Put On A Quarantine Concert
Watch Will Smith And DJ Jazzy Jeff Put On A Quarantine Concert
Screengrab via YouTube

Watch Will Smith And DJ Jazzy Jeff Put On A Quarantine Concert

Watch Will Smith And DJ Jazzy Jeff Put On A Quarantine Concert Screengrab via YouTube

The pair performed the 1988 hit "Brand New Funk."

Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff rocked houses across the world during a quarantine concert the pair did recently.

READ: DJ Jazzy Jeff Speaks With Will Smith About Having COVID-19: "Got In The Bed, Don't Remember The Next 10 Days"

The concert, which comes from the first episode of Smith's Snapchat series Will From Home, finds the two performing the 1988 hit "Brand New Funk" to hundreds of people on Zoom.

In that same episode, Jazzy Jeff also spoke with Smith about having COVID-19, and explained how, after returning home from a trip, he started "coming down with something."

"Got in the bed, don’t remember the next 10 days," the DJ said. "My temperature had reached about 103, the chills, I lost smell, I lost sense of taste."

Jazzy Jeff also spoke on how he couldn’t even receive a test to confirm if he was positive with the coronavirus or not, but was given a flu test.

"When I went and got the chest X-Ray, she came in and said pneumonia in both of your lungs," he said. "People think we’re at the end, and I think we’re really at the beginning."

He also went on to share that his wife, Lynette Jackson, had contracted the virus too, but her only symptoms were a loss of taste and smell.

The DJ had hinted about contracting the virus back in March when he revealed he was battling pneumonia in a series of posts on his Instagram Story.