Pass The Popcorn: 'Taxi Driver' 40th Anniversary Screening + Cast Reunion Set For Tribeca Film Festival
Pass The Popcorn: 'Taxi Driver' 40th Anniversary Screening + Cast Reunion Set For Tribeca Film Festival

Pass The Popcorn: 'Taxi Driver' 40th Anniversary Screening + Cast Reunion Set For Tribeca Film Festival

Pass The Popcorn: 'Taxi Driver' 40th Anniversary Screening + Cast Reunion Set For Tribeca Film Festival

In 1976, visionary director Martin Scorsese tapped the talents of a still-young Robert De Niro (fresh off Coppola's The Godfather Pt. II ) for the psychotic lead of Taxi Driver; a film that's remembered as one of his most era-defining, stamping the film, its director and lead with icon status almost immediately.

Now four decades down the line, De Niro and his Tribeca Film Festival regime are plotting a 40th anniversary screening and post-screening conversation that would reunite much of the film's now A-list cast (including Bobby, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, and writer Paul Schrader.) The screening will take place at NYC's Beacon Theater on April 21st as part of TFF's spring program and is open to the public with tickets going on-sale next Thursday, March 24th. 

But that's just the tip of it really, as the full Tribeca Film Festival program has just been announced and will take place April 13-24. Hit the link below for the program details and screening times. Just make sure to act fast, as they'll likely be the hottest ticket in town. We'll see ya'll out there.

>>>Ticket and screening information