Audio Premiere: Go Dreamer - Animals vs Machines [Mixtape]

Lenny Kravitz, Grace Jones, Lauryn Hill, Lion Babe, Thundercat, SZA & More Rock The Afropunk Festival 2015 in Brooklyn, NY.Go_Dreamer-Animals_vs_Machines

OKP is proud to premiere the full-length mixtape (meaning free LP, not blend tape) from Hollyweerd Cole AKA Go Dreamer, who you may remember from the video for "We Are The Nineteen Forevers." Definitely a cat to check for, his uncategorizable ATL gel of stream of consciousness rap/lo-fi pop/indie rock/what have you is like the underground garage-band version of Kanye's arty pop operatics. Purely of the moment--but there's satisfying throwback moves referencing James Brown and the Jungle Brothers on here, too. "Nineteen Forevers" is still my joint but "Hi Socks" might be about to bump it out the top spot. Stream or download below and let me know what y'all feel.