Bill Cosby Ordered To Court For Sexual Assault Charges, Could See 10 Years Behind Bars
Bill Cosby Ordered To Court For Sexual Assault Charges, Could See 10 Years Behind Bars

Bill Cosby Ordered To Court For Sexual Assault Charges, Could See 10 Years Behind Bars

Bill Cosby Ordered To Court For Sexual Assault Charges, Could See 10 Years Behind Bars

Earlier todayBill Cosby finally saw the inside of a courtroom for sexual assault charges that date back over ten years, wherein a woman states that Cosby had slipped her three blue pills, rendering her helpless against the former TV and comedy star's sexual advances. Judge Judge Elizabeth McHugh presided over the hearing, determining that there was more than sufficient evidence to take him to trial, but has yet to place a precise date on it.

This charge, sadly, is the only of the myriad allegations brought against Cosby in the past few years to actually make way to court. If convicted, the comedian, at 78 years old, could see up to ten years behind bars. An arraignment has been set for July 20th, where Cosby would have delivered his plea had he not waived his right to appear. The Washington Post also reports that the accuser, Andrea Constand, was not in attendance for today's hearing, but will likely see her assailant at other phases of the court proceedings later this summer. The story is still developing, but as it stands, Bill Cosby may have finally reached his ends.

h/t Washington Post