Bill Cosby's Daughter Writes Open Letter Supporting Her Father
Photo of Bill Cosby + Evin Cosby courtesy of Twitter.
Evin Cosby, the youngest daughter of Bill Cosby, has released a new letter passionately defending her father.
Evin sent the letter to Black Press USA. She then posted it on her Facebook page. Bill Cosby's official Twitter account tweeted out links to the letter:
Evin thinks that her husband is innocent. And she starts off the letter by going after those who've branded Cosby a rapist before the entire saga has played out:
"The public persecution of my dad, my kids' grandfather, and the cruelty of the media and those who speak out branding my father a "rapist" without ever knowing the truth and who shame our family and our friends for defending my dad, makes all of this so much worse for my family and my children. When people are so quick to cast hate and make accusations of horrific violence against my dad, they are callous in their carelessness about the harm they are causing to others."
Then, it seems, she tries to compare what her father is going through to the murder of her brother Ennis, which occurred in 1997:
"I thought when my brother, Ennis, was murdered, that was the worst nightmare of all time. It's so hurtful to this day. I try to block out the day he was killed, but that pain has only worsened in these last years. For some reason, my family's pain has been a trigger for people to seize upon us harder."
Evin Cosby goes on to provide examples of women taking her father to court. She finally tries to lay out Cosby's credentials as a good human being, while again going after people who judge before someone has been found guilty:
"We get all sorts of mixed-up messages in our society. We are told that we have fundamental rights to be innocent until proven guilty. But, if enough people think you are a bad person, you are branded a bad person and the media just reinforces that. My dad, like anyone in this country, deserves to be treated fairly under the law."
The timing of the letter isn't accidental: Next month Jury selection will begin for Cosby's June trial on charges he drugged and raped Andrea Constand, a Temple University employee, in 2004. Like all the other rapes he's been accused of, he's denied the charges.
To date, over 50 women have accused Bill Cosby of rape.
Read the entire letter here.
H/T: Black Press USA